4thewords for Novel Writing
Write more, consistently. Write the book.
We built 4thewords to help writers. It’s what we’re here to do, help you write the stories you have inside.
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From blank page to finished manuscript
Our set of tools will help you each step of the way.
Modern writing software
The tools you need to write and organize your next novel.
See Writing SoftwareFlexible Goal setting
Personalize writing goals that are easy to set, edit & delete as your priorities change.
See Goal Features
Grow your daily output of words written
Different battle modes crafted to push your writing to new heights. One million words, one chunk at a time.
See Writing Battle FeaturesGet feedback as you write
Share your writing projects privately with friends or publicly with the community for valuable feedback.
See Sharing FeaturesBuild long-term stamina
Our streak system help you stay motivated as you develop the habit of a writing routine.
See Streak FeaturesFeatures that’ll help you finish your novel
Visualize your writing with realtime charts and stats
Writing challenges that reset every day
Automatically save your work to the cloud
New and fresh content throughout the year
Connect, ask for advice and share wins with other writers in the forum
Millions of words of content ready to be explored at your own pace

"Six months after I signed up for 4TW, I finished my first novel! A lifetime of struggle finally turned into success!"