4thewords for Writing Training
Training for your writing Yes, a gym for writers
Practice makes better. Repeated often enough and you’ll gain mastery. Train your writing output and stamina with our purpose-built training features for writers.
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Double your daily words written
Different battle modes crafted to push your writing to new heights. One million words, one chunk at a time.

Build long-term stamina
Our streak system help you stay motivated as you develop the habit of a writing routine.
See Streak Features
Challenge yourself with Quests
Follow the main storyline or explore on your own. Thousands of unique quests for you to find your perfect path forward.
See our Game World
Become a powerful writer
Collect items, power up with battle items, and build up your hero. The more you write the more you grow.
See Hero Building
Connect with fellow writers
Share writing advice, get feedback, and connect with a global community of writers.
See Writing Community
Features for your writing training
A timeline of rewards from day 1 to day 2,920 (and counting)
Writing challenges that reset every day
Set and track writing goals for specific files, projects and your entire account.
Complete a mix of objectives in set period of time for extra rewards
Build maps with items you earn and craft in the game
Gain mastery over monsters when you defeat them repeatedly, unlocking rewards
New and fresh content throughout the year

"4thewords has tripled my word count throughput in just a matter of days! It's fantastic, super easy to use, and so much fun!"